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AR Tanks

This is an AR Tank game that was developed for an assignment. It uses the Vuforia plug-in for unity and  an android games controller. The game works by scanning the QR code for the initialiser and then scanning the surface the QR code is upon, where a navmesh is created from the scanned surface. you can then scan the Enemy Spawn QR code and play a wave based tank game.

Adventure Game Demo

This is a game demo level that was created in unity by a team for one of my First year assignments. It is an RPG adventure game, with a third person perspective and combat mechanic. For this we were given a games brief to start from and had to add to it and develop it in a direction that fitted the an RPG style adventure game. I was responsible for the player and ai related coding as well as the animations which were created using mixamo.

3D Boids with component System

This is a boids simulation with flocking behaviors and mouse to screen raycasting, built upon a custom component system built using visual studios 2017.

Android Trickshot Game

Android Trickshot basketball game with slingshot mechanics, objective system and customisable options. Developed using unity engine in a small group, has predictive arches and post shot arches for shot adjustment for the player. The player can customise the aimline.

Zombie Movement Via Heat Map

Tutorial for building a zombie movement AI based on heat map created using nodes. Project created in unity.

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